Tidak seperti manga dan anime lainnya yang kebanyakan penuh dengan
ide dan konsep yang tidak masuk akal, makanan yang ditampilkan di
Cooking Master Boy kebanyakan realistis. Meskipun teknik memasak yang
ditampilkan sangat berlebihan (misalnya teknik pemotongan bahan makanan
secara cepat sampai bahan tersebut melayang di udara),
reaksi karakter, dan hasil akhir hidangan disiapkan (misalnya piring
memancarkan naga bercahaya atau cahaya terang menyilaukan). Meskipun
proses ini cukup mencolok, ada orang yang dapat mengikuti dan
menghasilkan makanan tersebut (mirip dengan Yakitate!! Japan).
Rabu, 19 Desember 2012
Cooking Master Boy - Lagu Anime
- Opening Theme
- "Sora" (空?, Sky) oleh Maki Ohguro (episode 1-18)
- "Iki mo Dekinai" (息もできない?, Can't Live) oleh Zard (episode 19-36)
- "Kimi Sae Ireba" (君さえいれば?, If You're Here) oleh Deen (episode 37-52)
- Ending Theme
- "Aoi Sora ni Deaeta" (青い空に出逢えた?, Met in the blue sky) oleh Arisa Tsujio (episode 1-20)
- "Mineral" (ミネラル, Mineraru?) oleh Kaori Nanao (episode 21-36)
- "Kaze no You ni Jiyuu" (風のように自由?, Free as the Wind) oleh Keiko Utoku (episode 37-52)
Cooking Master Boy - Peralatan Masak Legendaris
Pada zaman dahulu, sebuah meteorit
jatuh dari langit dan pertama kali ditemukan oleh Master Chef, Shui
Lei. Shui membuat delapan peralatan memasak dari meteorit tersebut.
Alat-alat masak yang ia buat bukan sekedar delapan alat memasak berkelas
tinggi saja, tetapi juga memiliki efek mistis pada makanan yang dimasak
dengan menggunakan alat tersebut. Delapan peralatan memasak begitu kuat
sampai Guru Chef Shui Lei harus menyimpannya di delapan lokasi yang
terpisah di seluruh China, sehingga tidak ada perebutan alat-alat masak
legandaris itu. Alat-alat masak legendaris memiliki kekuatan besar,
tergantung tujuannya, baik atau jahat. Jika digunakan oleh orang baik
dan untuk tujuan baik pula, alat itu dapat menghasilkan sesuatu yang
akan membuat orang bahagia seperti makan yang sangat enak. Jika mereka
digunakan oleh yang jahat dan untuk tujuan yang jahat pula, alat itu
akan memiliki kekuatan destruktif yang bisa menghancurkan seluruh China.
Lalu, jika sebuah alat masak legendaris digunakan pada hal selain
memasak (misalnya pembunuhan), kekuatan mistiknya akan menghilang.
Cooking Master Boy - Lembaga Juru Masak Gerilya
Lembaga Juru Masak Gerilya atau Lembaga Juru Masak Gelap, adalah
kelompok terorganisir yang bertujuan untuk mengendalikan seluruh negeri
China melalui bidang masak-memasak. Meskipun mereka telah memiliki
pengaruh yang kuat di seluruh negeri, mereka masih mencari semua delapan
dari peralatan masak legendaris untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan mutlak.
Mereka melakukan apa saja untuk menang dan menyingkirkan siapapun yang
menghalangi jalan mereka. Ketika mereka melihat seorang koki hebat yang
bisa menjadi ancaman bagi rencana besar mereka atau jika ada koki yang
mengalahkan salah satu dari mereka, mereka akan terus mengirimkan koki
untuk menantang orang itu sampai mereka kalah. Pelatihan mereka sangat
ketat dan kejam, juga banyak peserta pelatihan yang tidak bertahan lama.
Mereka sering menculik anak-anak secara paksa dan memisahkannya dari
keluarga anak-anak tersebut melalui cara pembunuhan. Untuk melantik koki
yang selamat pelatihan, mereka kadang-kadang akan memberikan bekas luka
pada wajah dan/atau badan orang tersebut. Setelah dilantik ke dalam
organisasi, tidak ada jalan untuk kembali dan mencoba melarikan diri
sama saja dengan bunuh diri. Mereka yang gagal dalam menjalani
tugas organisasi akan mengalami nasib yang mengerikan dan tragis.
Beberapa bagian tubuh anggota lembaga tersebut dicap dengan tanda
organisasi sebagai tanda keanggotaan. Mereka juga memiliki keterampilan
yang kuat disebut "Teknik Masak Gelap", yang hanya diketahui oleh
anggota organisasi atau orang-orang yang mereka tantang. Mereka adalah
organisasi yang paling ditakuti di seluruh daratan
Cooking Master Boy - Sinopsis
Seorang anak berusia 13 tahun bernama Liu Mao Hsing, bertualang ke
seluruh daratan China untuk meneruskan tekad ibunya menjadi juru masak
untuk membahagiakan orang lain juga untuk menghancurkan dunia masak
Gerilya serta menngumpulkan 7 peralatan masak legendaris untuk
mencegahnya jatuh ke tangan yang salah. Dalam pengembaraaannya, Mao
ditemani Li Wen, Xi Er, Mei Lee, Zhi Lao dan Lan Fei Hong. Mao mempunyai
gelar juru masak khusus yang termuda dalam sejarah dunia masak China.
Beberapa juru masak Gerilya yang pernah Mao kalahkan adalah Li Wen, San
dan Lee An
Cooking Master Boy
Chūka Ichiban (中華一番 Chuuka Ichiban
?) adalah manga yang
dikarang oleh Etsushi
Ogawa. Setelah itu manga ini diangkat menjadi serial anime
bernama, 'Cooking Master Boy'. Ceritanya adalah tentang
seorang anak laki-laki yang bercita-cita menjadi koki terhebat.
Senin, 17 Desember 2012
Lagu Tema Penutup - Naruto
- "Wind" oleh Akeboshi (eps 1-25)
- "Harmonia (ハルモニア)" oleh Rythem (eps 26-51)
- "Viva Rock ~Japanese Side~ (ビバ★ロック ~japanese side~)" oleh Orange Range (eps 52-64)
- "ALIVE" oleh Raiko (eps 65-77)
- "Ima made Nando mo (今まで何度も)" oleh The Mass Missile (eps 78-89)
- "Ryusei (流星)" oleh TiA (eps 90-103)
- "Mountain A Go Go Too (マウンテン・ア・ゴーゴー・ツー)" oleh Captain Stridum (eps 104-115)
- "Hajimete Kimi to Shabetta (はじめて君としゃべった)" oleh GaGaGa SP (eps 116-128)
- "Nakushita Kotoba (失くした言葉)" oleh No Regret Life (eps 129-141)
- "Speed (スピード)" oleh Analog Fish (eps 142-153)
- "Soba ni Iru Kara (そばにいるから)" oleh Amadori (eps 154-165)
- "Parade (パレード)" oleh CHABA (eps 166-178)
- "Yellow Moon" oleh Akeboshi (eps 179-191)
- "Pinocchio" oleh Ore Ska Band (eps 192-202)
- "Scenario" oleh SABOTEN (eps 203-220)
Lagu Tema Pembuka - Naruto
- "Rocks" oleh Hound Dog (eps 1-25)
- "Haruka Kanata (遥か彼方)" oleh Asian Kung-Fu Generation (eps 26-53)
- "Kanashimi wo Yasashisani (悲しみをやさしさに)" oleh Little by Little (eps 54-77)
- "GO!!!" oleh FLOW (eps 78-103)
- "Seishun Kyosokyoku (青春狂騒曲)" oleh Sambomaster (eps 104-128)
- "No Boy, No Cry (ノーボーイ・ノークライ)" oleh Stance Punks (eps 129-153)
- "Namikaze Satellite (波風サテライト)" oleh Snorkel (eps 154-178)
- "Re:member" oleh FLOW (eps 179-202)
- "YURA YURA" oleh Hearts Grow (eps 203-220)
Peristilahan - Naruto
- Bijuu
- Siluman yang berasal dari cakra yg berjumlah besar, berjumlah 9 ekor (Ichibi, Nibi, Sanbi, Yonbi, gobi,rokubi,nanabi, hachibi, dan Kyuubi). Dan menurut para penduduk yang desanya memiliki Bijuu, satu tebasan ekor mereka dapat menyebabkan Tsunami,Gempa, dan bencana besar lainnya.
- Chakra
- Tenaga yang mengalir dalam tubuh yang tersimpan setelah latihan keras dan bisa digunakan untuk berbagai macam hal; terutama untuk mengeluarkan jutsu.
- Hokage
- (ho = api) ninja pemimpin/terkuat di negara Api. Negara-negara lainnya memiliki kage-kage yang lain semacam Kazekage dll.
- Jinchuuriki
- Orang yang ditubuhnya tersegel bijuu.
- Jutsu
- Jurus, teknik, sesuatu yang digunakan oleh ninja sebagai serangan maupun pertahanan. Dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu taijutsu, ninjutsu, dan genjutsu. Yang dimaksud dengan taijutsu adalah teknik dasar ninja berupa gerakan fisik seperti melompat, memukul, atau menendang. Ninjutsu adalah teknik ninja yang menggunakan chakra untuk mengeluarkan jutsu-jutsu dengan elemen tertentu. Sedangkan genjutsu adalah teknik ninja yang mampu membawa musuhnya ke dalam dunia ilusi. Sebenarnya masih ada satu jurus lagi yang disebut fuinjutsu atau jurus segel, contohnya segel yang ada pada tubuh sasuke yang bisa membuatnya lebih kuat meski hanya bisa sampai joutai 2 dan segel yang berada pada naruto tempat kyuubi berada.
- Kuchiyose
- Kuchiyose atau "hewan panggilan" (summon) adalah hewan yang dapat dipanggil untuk kemudian digunakan untuk menyerang sebagai senajta tinja. Contohnya adalah ketika Kakashi memanggil sepasukan anjing (dog pack) untuk membantunya melawan Zabuza (versi anime: episode 6 hingga episode 12 dan versi manga dari jilid 3 hingga jilid 6), Jiraiya memangil keluarga katak Gamabunta (raja katak),Gamaken dll., Orochimaru memanggil Manda (raja ular raksasa), Tsunade memanggil Katsuyu (Siput raksasa) dan Naruto memanggil katak yang merupakan anak dari Gamabunta yaitu Gamakichi (kadang-kadang datang bersama adiknya Gamatatsu yang akhirnya cuma mengganggu saja.Sasuke pun mempunyai Summon Elang. Summon juga dapat digabungankan atau berubah bentuk bila bersatu dengan pemanggilnya.
- Kunoichi
- Ninja perempuan. Seperti Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Temari, Tayuya,Tsunade, Shizune, dan masih banyak lagi yang pokoknya ninja perempuan.
- Shinobi
- Sebutan lain untuk ninja.
Nilai Cerita - Naruto
Kebanyakan nilai-nilai
dalam cerita Naruto ditampilkan terlalu eksplisit melalui dialog
ataupun tingkah laku tokoh-tokohnya. Naruto, pada awal cerita,
merupakan seseorang yang terkucil dan tidak memiliki teman. Ia sering
berbuat onar di kelasnya agar diperhatikan teman-temannya. Begitu juga
dengan Kakashi,
yang kehilangan semua temannya; Sasuke, yang seluruh anggota
keluarganya dibunuh; Gaara, yang dibenci oleh semua orang di desanya
bahkan oleh keluarganya sendiri; Iruka, yang orang tuanya terbunuh Kyuubi; Hinata, yang kekurangan kasih sayang dari keluarganya, dan masih banyak yang lain.
Nilai persaingan amat menonjol, diisi dengan persaingan antara Naruto dengan Sasuke, Kakashi dengan guru Guy, Sakura dengan Ino, Jiraiya dan Tsunade dengan Orochimaru dan lain-lain.
Nilai persaingan amat menonjol, diisi dengan persaingan antara Naruto dengan Sasuke, Kakashi dengan guru Guy, Sakura dengan Ino, Jiraiya dan Tsunade dengan Orochimaru dan lain-lain.
Salah satu dari 3 ninja legenda selain Jiraiya dan Tsunade. Orochimaru
dianggap paling jenius di antara 3 ninja legenda. Awalnya akan diangkat
menjadi hokage ke-4 oleh hokage ke-3, Sarutobi, namun karena ia
menggunakan ilmu gelap, Sarutobi mengangkat Minato Namikaze sebagai
Hokage ke-4. Orochimaru menginginkan kekuatan dan kehidupan yang abadi,
sehingga ia mengembangkan jurus Tensei
(perpindahan roh) untuk berpindah-pindah tubuh. Ia menginginkan tubuh
Itachi yang mempunyai sharingan, namun kemampuannya masih jauh dibawah
Itachi, sehingga ia mengincar Sasuke yang menurutnya berpotensi
Jiraiya adalah salah satu Legendary Sannin(3 ninja legenda) yang
terkenal di Konoha, disamping Orochimaru dan Tsunade. Jiraiya berperan
melindungi Naruto dari organisasi rahasia akatsuki dan
mengajari jurus dari hokage keempat setelah Naruto beranjak dewasa
karena Naruto kerap diincar oleh akatsuki yang menginginkan kekuatan
dari "kyubi".
Jurus andalan: Rasengan
Jurus andalan: Rasengan
Chouji Akamichi
Chouji adalah seorang shinobi yang kuat dan setia kawan. Menyukai memakan snack kentang goreng dan makan yakiniku bersama kelompok asuma, sahabat Shikamaru dari kecil. Chouji mengangap Shikamru adalah ninja yang hebat dan lebih kuat dari siapapun. 'Gendut' adalah kata tabu baginya.
Jurus andalan: Nikudan Sensha
Jurus andalan: Nikudan Sensha
Ino Yamanaka
Ino adalah seorang kunoichi yang satu tim dengan Shikamaru dan Chouji. Ino juga merupakan sahabat lama Sakura saat masih di Akademi, namun sekarang mereka menjadi rival untuk merebut hati Sasuke. Mempunyai sifat yang centil dan cerewet, menyukai Sasuke layaknya Sakura. Ia menyukai berbagai jenis bunga terutama mawar yang berwarna ungu.
Shikamaru Nara
Shikamaru adalah seorang shinobi
yang malas dan tidak tertarik dengan keterkenalan. Dibalik itu semua,
Shikamaru adalah seorang shinobi yang amat cerdas dan berjiwa pemimpin.
Strategi yang Ia ciptakan dalam menghadapi musuh - musuhnya amat
mencengangkan baik pihak lawan maupun lawan. Selalu berusaha untuk
bersikap gentleman dihadapan para wanita. Jurus andalannya disebut
dengan jurus pengikat bayangan(kagemane no jutsu). Sangat menghormati
sang guru, Asuma, mereka sering bermain shogi bersama - sama diwaktu luang. Ia amat terpukul saat kematian sang guru tercinta. Sahabat karib dari Chouji.
Jurus andalan: Kagemane no jutsu
Jurus andalan: Kagemane no jutsu
Asuma Sarutobi
Asuma adalah seorang jonin yang tangguh dan kuat. Merupakan anak dari Hokage 3, seorang perokok berat, penanggung jawab Shikamaru, Chouji dan Ino. Suka bermain shogi bersama Shikamaru. Pisau chakra anginnya amat tajam dan berbahaya, selalu menolong Shikamaru, dekat dengan Kurenai. Tetapi sayang, Asuma meninggal di tangan anggota Akatsuki bernama Hidan.
Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012
Neji adalah seorang keturunan clan terkenal di Konoha yaitu clan
Hyuga. Clan ini terkenal akan kemampuan mata yang disebut dengan
'byakkugan'nya. Berbeda dengan Hinata,
Neji berasal dari cabang keluarga Hyuuga kalangan bawah yang harus
mengabdi pada kaum kalangan atas Clan Hyuga. Semula ia membenci Hinata
karena hinata suka sama agunk dan kaum kalangan atas karena dianggap
penyebab kematian sang ayah tercinta. Neji juga semula percaya bahwa
tiap manusia hidup hanya menuruti takdir dan tidak dapat mengubahnya.
Tetapi, setelah bertarung dan dikalahkan Naruto pandangannya pun berubah terhadap takdir maupun Hinata dan Kalangan atas serta tahu alasan sang Ayah meninggal.
Jurus andalan: Byakkugan, Juuken Hou Hakke Rokujuuyonshou
Jurus andalan: Byakkugan, Juuken Hou Hakke Rokujuuyonshou
Rock Lee
Lee adalah seorang ninja yang handal dalam penggunaan taijutsu. Hal
ini dikarenakan ia tidak dapat menguasai ninjutsu maupun genjutsu dengan
baik. Oleh karena itu, ia berjuang keras untuk menjadi ninja walaupun
tidak bisa ninjutsu. Dulunya diejek oleh Neji karena tidak bisa
ninjutsu, namun Lee berhasil membuktikan tidak semua ninja harus
menguasai ninjutsu. Lee amat mengidolakan guru Guy yang dianggapnya ninja terkuat. Lee menirukan gaya dan penampilan dari Guy. Menyukai Sakura layaknya Naruto tetapi cintanya hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan. Menganggap Neji dan Sasuke merupakan rival.
Jurus Andalan: Konoha Senpuu
Jurus Andalan: Konoha Senpuu
Guy Maito
Guy adalah seorang Jonin yang sangat bersemangat dan memiliki penampilan mirip dengan Rock Lee, seorang Jonin yang handal dalam taijutsu, 'menganggap' Kakashi saingannya. Bertekad untuk menjadikan Rock Lee seorang ninja yang hebat. Pose nice guy dan rambut bob nya menjadi ciri khas dirinya dan Rock Lee.
Jurus andalan: Dynamikku Entori(Dynamic Entry)
Jurus andalan: Dynamikku Entori(Dynamic Entry)
Hatake Kakashi
Kakashi Hatake adalah guru pembimbing sekaligus rekan satu tim
Naruto. Meskipun terlihat lemah, ia adalah seorang ninja jenius yang
memiliki sharingan, sebuah kemampuan garis keturunan khusus klan
Uchiha yang ia dapatkan dari almarhum temannya, Obito Uchiha (teman
Kakashi saat masih menjadi Chuunin; ia mati saat menjalankan misi dari
Yondaime). Dia tipe orang yang santai dan acuh, namun dapat bertindak
cepat dan serius apabila diperlukan. Seringkali ia terlihat sedang
membaca sebuah buku yang berjudul Icha Icha Paradise! (Datanglah
Surga!) yang dikarang oleh Jiraiya. Satu hal yang menarik dari Kakashi
adalah mulutnya tidak pernah diperlihatkan kepada pembaca. Mulutnya
selalu ditutupi, tidak hanya saat ia bertugas tetapi baik waktu tidur
[dengan buku Icha Icha Paradise nya] maupun waktu di tempat
permandian [dengan handuk]. Dalam anime, Naruto,dkk pernah mencoba
melihat wajah Kakashi, namun usaha mereka gagal.
Jurus andalan: Chidori(Kakashi menyebutnya Raikiri, yang artinya 'pedang petir' setelah berhasil memotong petir dgn chidori.)
Jurus andalan: Chidori(Kakashi menyebutnya Raikiri, yang artinya 'pedang petir' setelah berhasil memotong petir dgn chidori.)
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke adalah teman satu tim Naruto bersama dengan Sakura. Ia adalah
seorang ninja berbakat yang selalu menyendiri dan jarang bergaul.
Sikapnya yang dingin serta kemampuan bertarung yang tinggi membuatnya
dinilai banyak wanita terutama Sakura dan Ino.
Ia memiliki masa lalu yang kelam dan -sama seperti Naruto- hidup sendirian; tanpa teman dan keluarga. Cita-citanya adalah untuk menjadi ninja yang kuat dan membunuh Itachi Uchiha, kakak kandungnya, yang bertanggung jawab atas kematian seluruh keluarganya.
Jurus andalan: Sharingan
Ia memiliki masa lalu yang kelam dan -sama seperti Naruto- hidup sendirian; tanpa teman dan keluarga. Cita-citanya adalah untuk menjadi ninja yang kuat dan membunuh Itachi Uchiha, kakak kandungnya, yang bertanggung jawab atas kematian seluruh keluarganya.
Jurus andalan: Sharingan
Sakura Haruno
Sakura adalah salah satu rekan satu tim sekaligus wanita idaman Naruto,
namun ia lebih menyukai Sasuke daripada Naruto. Dia adalah seorang ninja
berbakat yang selalu mendapat nilai sempurna di setiap ujian yang
diikutinya. Sakura memiliki kepribadian yang unik dan seringkali ia
bertindak di luar nurani untuk menjaga citranya sebagai seorang wanita
yang baik dan anggun yang sering disebut dengan "nurani Sakura".
Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki adalah tokoh utama cerita ini. Ia adalah seorang ninja
dari desa Konoha, Salah satu desa militer terkuat di dunia ninja.
Naruto dikarakteristikkan sebagai seorang ninja yang penuh kejutan,
bersemangat, ceria, hiperaktif, kikuk,lugu, dan sangat ambisius dalam
meraih cita-citanya untuk menjadi seorang Hokage, ninja terkuat di
Konoha. Dalam tubuh Naruto, tersegel seekor monster rubah ekor sembilan
yang pernah menyerang dan hampir menghancurkan desa Konohagakure segel
tersebut dibuat oleh ayahnya yondaime (minato namikaze) hokage ke 4 yang
menimbulkan kematian pada ayahnya. Karena monster yang ada dalam
tubuhnya itulah, ia dijauhi oleh penduduk desa di masa kecilnya hingga
ia bertekat membuktikan kepada masyarakat di Konoha bahwa ia akan
menjadi Hokage agar ia bisa diakui di desa itu, sekaligus menjadi
incaran ninja-ninja yang menginginkan kekuatan Kyuubi, si rubah ekor
Ia sanggat menyukai Sakura Haruno, namun cintanya bertepuk sebelah tangan karena Sakura lebih menyukai Sasuke daripada Naruto. Naruto adalah putra dari Hokage ke-4 yang bernama Minato Namikaze atau lebih dikenal dengan Yondaime Hokage.
Jurus andalan: Kage Bunshin No Jutsu , Rasenggan
Ia sanggat menyukai Sakura Haruno, namun cintanya bertepuk sebelah tangan karena Sakura lebih menyukai Sasuke daripada Naruto. Naruto adalah putra dari Hokage ke-4 yang bernama Minato Namikaze atau lebih dikenal dengan Yondaime Hokage.
Jurus andalan: Kage Bunshin No Jutsu , Rasenggan
Jalan Cerita - Naruto
- Prologue
- Awal Cerita
- Haku dan Zabuza
- Pembukaan Ujian Chunin
- Jiraiya, Sang Sannin Katak
- Bulan Sabit Merah
- Babak ke-4
- Penghancuran Konoha
- Kunjungan Tak Terduga
- Sasuke dan Itachi
- Pertemuan dengan Tsunade
- Kunjungan Ninja Bunyi
- Perginya Sasuke Dari Konoha
- Ninja Bunyi
- Naruto vs Sasuke
- Jiraiya
- Flash Back Hatake Kakashi
- Penyelamatan Gaara*
- Naruto vs. Orochimaru*
- Bertemu dengan Sasuke*
Perkembangan dan popularitas Naruto
Sekarang Naruto adalah manga yang paling terkenal dan naik daun di seluruh dunia. Sejak awal penerbitannya, Naruto
telah memancing permunculan ribuan situs fan yang berisi informasi
rinci, panduan, dan forum internet tentang manga ini. Beberapa situs
terkenal muncul setelah versi Inggrisnya diterbitkan pada bulan Agustus 2003. Selain itu, muncul pula situs-situs yang menyediakan pindaian manga versi Jepang yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris maupun Indonesia yang dapat didownload secara gratis.
Naruto | |
Genre | Shonen, perlawanan |
Manga | |
Pengarang | Masashi Kishimoto |
Penerbit | Elex Media Viz Media Jump Comics |
Anime | |
Sutradara | Hayato Date |
Studio | Studio Pierrot |
About Naruto - Indonesia
Naruto (ナルト) adalah manga dan anime karya Masashi Kishimoto. Manga Naruto bercerita seputar kehidupan tokoh utamanya, Naruto Uzumaki, seorang ninja
remaja yang berisik, hiperaktif, dan ambisius; dan petualangannya dalam
mewujudkan keinginan untuk mendapatkan gelar Hokage, ninja terkuat di
Manga Naruto pertama kali diterbitkan di Jepang oleh Shueisha pada tahun 1999 dalam edisi ke 43 majalah Shonen Jump). Di Indonesia, manga ini diterbitkan oleh Elex Media Komputindo. Popularitas dan panjang seri Naruto sendiri (terutama di Jepang) menyaingi Dragon Ball karya Akira Toriyama, sedangkan serial anime Naruto, diproduksi oleh Studio Pierrot dan Aniplex, disiarkan secara perdana di Jepang oleh jaringan TV Tokyo dan juga oleh jaringan televisi satelit khusus anime, Animax, pada 3 Oktober 2002 sampai sekarang. Seri pertama terdiri atas 9 musim. Musim pertama dari seri kedua mulai ditayangkan pada tanggal 15 Februari 2007. Di Indonesia, anime Naruto saat ini ditayangkan oleh Global TV yang akan pindah ke RCTI mulai 1 Februari 2011.
Manga Naruto pertama kali diterbitkan di Jepang oleh Shueisha pada tahun 1999 dalam edisi ke 43 majalah Shonen Jump). Di Indonesia, manga ini diterbitkan oleh Elex Media Komputindo. Popularitas dan panjang seri Naruto sendiri (terutama di Jepang) menyaingi Dragon Ball karya Akira Toriyama, sedangkan serial anime Naruto, diproduksi oleh Studio Pierrot dan Aniplex, disiarkan secara perdana di Jepang oleh jaringan TV Tokyo dan juga oleh jaringan televisi satelit khusus anime, Animax, pada 3 Oktober 2002 sampai sekarang. Seri pertama terdiri atas 9 musim. Musim pertama dari seri kedua mulai ditayangkan pada tanggal 15 Februari 2007. Di Indonesia, anime Naruto saat ini ditayangkan oleh Global TV yang akan pindah ke RCTI mulai 1 Februari 2011.
Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012
Trivia - Lyoko
- In False Start, Aelita said that there wasn't any air to breathe and that there were no scents on Lyoko.
- Lyoko was called Xanadu in Garage Kids.
- Aelita has also said there are no mirages on Lyoko. What a person sees is real, not an illusion.
- According to Jeremie, there are only two senses on Lyoko: sight and sound, although this is false as Team Lyoko has felt pain there. And in episode Wreck Room, when William devirtulized Yumi by slicing her head in two pieces with his Zweihander, she emerged out of the Scanners with a Head-ache.
- In the actual canon, Lyoko is generally uninhabited except for Aelita and XANA. Fans often rework Lyoko into an inhabited world, such as the fanfic City of Whispers, where the people of Lyoko are known as the Telleursians.
This article is about the digital world. For the code, see LYOKO (code).
Lyoko (pronounced either l'yoh-koh or lee-oh-koh) is a virtual world created by Franz Hopper to be the staging ground for the destruction of Project Carthage (shown in the picture as the yellow sphere in the center). Eventually, Hopper changed the structure of the world so it would serve as a sanctuary for him and his daughter, Aelita, should there be any sort of emergency. Lyoko is housed within a vast supercomputer in the Factory, and only Aelita and Jeremie fully understand it. Lyoko used to be split into five parts, called sectors. The only remaining sector is Carthage. Lyoko used to have four other sectors, the Desert, Ice Barrier, Forest, and Mountain sectors, but these were destroyed in The Pretender, Sabotage, Lyoko Minus One, and Double Trouble, respectively. Within Lyoko's sectors are Towers, which are structures those on Lyoko can use to communicate with the real world. Lyoko was temporarily destroyed after William destroyed the core; in William Returns, Aelita and Jeremie used data transmitted from Franz Hopper in Final Round to reconstruct Carthage, and by Double Take, Jeremie and Aelita had managed to recreate the four surface sectors as the Holomap showed. In The World Network, Lyoko has the appearance of a large grey craggy ball with the network gate at its south pole. Like planets orbiting the Sun, Lyoko (and its Replikas) appear to have a gravitational pull around its outer shell.
Lyoko disappeared, for good, after Team Lyoko shut down the supercomputer in the episode Echoes.
Lyoko (pronounced either l'yoh-koh or lee-oh-koh) is a virtual world created by Franz Hopper to be the staging ground for the destruction of Project Carthage (shown in the picture as the yellow sphere in the center). Eventually, Hopper changed the structure of the world so it would serve as a sanctuary for him and his daughter, Aelita, should there be any sort of emergency. Lyoko is housed within a vast supercomputer in the Factory, and only Aelita and Jeremie fully understand it. Lyoko used to be split into five parts, called sectors. The only remaining sector is Carthage. Lyoko used to have four other sectors, the Desert, Ice Barrier, Forest, and Mountain sectors, but these were destroyed in The Pretender, Sabotage, Lyoko Minus One, and Double Trouble, respectively. Within Lyoko's sectors are Towers, which are structures those on Lyoko can use to communicate with the real world. Lyoko was temporarily destroyed after William destroyed the core; in William Returns, Aelita and Jeremie used data transmitted from Franz Hopper in Final Round to reconstruct Carthage, and by Double Take, Jeremie and Aelita had managed to recreate the four surface sectors as the Holomap showed. In The World Network, Lyoko has the appearance of a large grey craggy ball with the network gate at its south pole. Like planets orbiting the Sun, Lyoko (and its Replikas) appear to have a gravitational pull around its outer shell.
Lyoko disappeared, for good, after Team Lyoko shut down the supercomputer in the episode Echoes.
Real Factory
The Factory in Code: LYOKO is based off a real factory in France called
the Renault automobile factory. The Factory was founded before World War
II, and produced many vehichles during that time period. Later in 1992,
fhe factory shut down and was abandoned, just like in the show. In
2001, Antefilms
used it as the base model of the Factory in Garage Kids and later Code
Lyoko (which looks near perfect as shown in the images). Unfortunately,
in 2005, it was demolished to create a museum. However, the artifacts
that were originally going to the art museum were later sent to a museum
in Venice instead. Now all that remains is dirt and the entrance.
Factory Floor Plan
At ground level is the Factory Floor, which contains the entrance to the Factory Lift. Also on this floor are the machine rooms of the factory.
Above the ground floor is the upper level of the factory. This floor is normally accessed by a walkway bordering the inside of the building. The upper level is where the bridge meets the factory, and hence where the characters normally enter. To get down to the ground floor, they swing down on cables.
The Lab is the first room below the surface, and it is where Jeremie monitors Team Lyoko's progress on Lyoko. Directly below the Lab is the Scanner Room, which can also be accessed by a hatch from the Lab. The bottommost room is the Supercomputer Room, which contains the supercomputer. It is accessible using a hatch from the Scanner Room.
Above the ground floor is the upper level of the factory. This floor is normally accessed by a walkway bordering the inside of the building. The upper level is where the bridge meets the factory, and hence where the characters normally enter. To get down to the ground floor, they swing down on cables.
The Lab is the first room below the surface, and it is where Jeremie monitors Team Lyoko's progress on Lyoko. Directly below the Lab is the Scanner Room, which can also be accessed by a hatch from the Lab. The bottommost room is the Supercomputer Room, which contains the supercomputer. It is accessible using a hatch from the Scanner Room.
The Factory
The Factory :
The Factory is located in Boulogne-Billancourt, France, near Kadic. It used to be an old car factory, and was used by Franz Hopper as a base of operations in his experiments with Lyoko and Carthage. The Factory is considered to be Team Lyoko's headquarters.
The Factory is located in the middle of the Seine River, on what appears to be an artificial island. A bridge connects it to the mainland. A manhole on the bridge leads to the Sewers below; typically, members of Team Lyoko come up through this after travelling through the sewers from Kadic. The Factory can also be reached by boat; Team Lyoko used a dinghy in Plagued when XANA blocked the bridge with rats.
The building itself is occasionally used in XANA's schemes; he most often uses the Factory Floor to make things, or attack our heroes. For example, XANA used the machinery there to make a robot in the episode The Robots.
The Factory is located in Boulogne-Billancourt, France, near Kadic. It used to be an old car factory, and was used by Franz Hopper as a base of operations in his experiments with Lyoko and Carthage. The Factory is considered to be Team Lyoko's headquarters.
The Factory is located in the middle of the Seine River, on what appears to be an artificial island. A bridge connects it to the mainland. A manhole on the bridge leads to the Sewers below; typically, members of Team Lyoko come up through this after travelling through the sewers from Kadic. The Factory can also be reached by boat; Team Lyoko used a dinghy in Plagued when XANA blocked the bridge with rats.
The building itself is occasionally used in XANA's schemes; he most often uses the Factory Floor to make things, or attack our heroes. For example, XANA used the machinery there to make a robot in the episode The Robots.
Kadic Academy
(Redirected from Kadic)
Kadic is made up of various buildings, most of them connected to one another, others not. These buildings include the Dormitory Building, the Science Building, the Cafeteria, and various other locations. Kadic also has a Park, a Track and a Recreation Room (opened in Wreck Room) for the students in their free time. Kadic is a boarding school, and therefore the students live there, though a small number of local students, including Yumi, commute to it as if it was a normal school. Classes occur 6 days a week (classes are only in the morning on Saturdays), according to Ulrich, but there are no classes on holidays or Sundays. This may change, as most French schools are now adopting the American version of the school week. Students are allowed to leave the grounds with permission. The Sewers connect it to the Factory. There are various entrances to the Sewers as well, though the one in the Park is the most used. There is also a tunnel from the Gym.
The school is also racially and culturally diverse, containing many people who are French-African or those of Japanese, Chinese, German, and Indian origin.
Jean-Pierre Delmas is the principal and Jim Morales is the campus supervisor, one of Mr. Delmas's advisors, perhaps a former student, and Suzanne Hertz is the other advisor.
Kadic Academy has a very strict policy against cell phones in class (and according to Jim, on school grounds in general) as revealed in Satellite, but the children are not required to wear school uniforms, if there are any, as part of Kadic's dress code.
Code Lyoko Evolution
Code Lyoko Evolution is the long-awaited fifth season of Code Lyoko, and is set for release in 2012. It was announced on the official Code Lyoko Facebook page by Moonscoop
that the show will be renewed for 26 episodes, more information was
said to be provided at a later date. According to the creators, there is
a possibility that the scenes in the Real World will be filmed on location in Boulogne-Billancourt, making the show a live-action series. This is hinted in Codelyoko.fr's
season announcement when it was mentioned that " You will see your
heroes like you've never seen before" . It was also confirmed that the Lyoko scenes will remain in animation.
Trivia :
Trivia :
- The only photographic update for the new season is a poster with the title on it that is currently the main page of Codelyoko.com.
- It is unknown at this time if the new season will be a continuation of Season 4 or will be a whole new continuity of the show.(As in if it will be Code Lyoko [Season 5], or Code Lyoko Evolution [Season 1].)
Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012
XANA, the primary adversary of Team Lyoko, is an evil mulitagent program who plots to destroy humanity.
Creation :
XANA, as well as Lyoko, were originally created by Franz Hopper to destroy Project Carthage, a multiagent program designed to monitor enemy of the state communications for the French government. But XANA developed independence, and when Franz Hopper and his daughter, Aelita, came to Lyoko to hide from the French Secret Service, XANA took the chance, imprisoning Hopper and stealing Aelita's memories. Then it spent its time creating monsters to materialize into the real world.
Conflict With Team Lyoko :
After approximately a decade of dormancy, Jeremie Belpois stumbled upon the Supercomputer and reactivated it. Soon after that, XANA launched his first attack. Through a lucky series of co-incidences, Jeremie virtualized three of his new friends, Yumi Ishiyama, Ulrich Stern and Odd Della Robbia onto Lyoko to help Aelita deactivate the activated Tower. XANA reacted by sending hordes of virtual monsters to attack Team Lyoko. But the team always seemed to defeat XANA and use a Time reversion to make everything go back in time before the attack.
At first, XANA's attacks were based mainly on things linked to the Internet or electrical appliances, such as putting paralyzing songs on the Internet for students to download or changing train times so the trains would collide and spill poisonous chemicals everywhere. But soon it began possessing inanimate and low-intelligence objects/bioforms, like teddy bears and bees.
But as Team Lyoko caused more and more Time Reversions, XANA grew stronger, both physically and mentally. It could soon possess people and huge electrical systems. It was undoubtedly growing more powerful. When Jeremie successfully materialized Aelita, XANA changed its tactics. It now either targeted Aelita or Jeremie, as either one was crucial to disabling its attacks. By the second season, XANA virtually only possessed people. In Season 2, XANA would deploy a monster called the Scyphozoa to take her keys to Lyoko. In The Key, XANA succeeded and escaped the Supercomputer. As of the end of Season 2, XANA can strike anywhere on Earth, however in Season 3, XANA continues to focus his main attacks on Team Lyoko and even though it broke it's link with the supercomputer, XANA still needs to activate a Tower on Lyoko in order to unleash an attack.
XANA attacks appear to be limited to the area surrounding the supercomputer it is attacking from (except off earth objects like in Hot Shower) as when it activates a tower on Lyoko or a Replika it appears to be limited to possessing creatures or items in the immediate area around the supercomputer.
Personality :
XANA, being a program, has not developed much of a personality, and doesn't really have one because it is really just a computer. Nevertheless, it often seems that XANA has specific attributes. For one, it is incredibly intelligent, possibly to an abnormal extreme, and knows almost everything scientific about Earth. XANA is also very cunning and sneaky, often hiding its schemes until the last moment, unlike many other fictional villains, who rant on about their grand designs. XANA also has a moderate understanding of human emotions, though only until a certain level; it cannot grasp complex emotions like love and compassion, but can easily understand simpler ones such as anger, envy, and even seduction. It seems to have a particular "hatred" of Jeremie as well, maybe because of his knowledge and guidance to Team Lyoko.
The only thing it values above Team Lyoko's destruction is its own survival, as seen in Marabounta, when it teamed up with them to eliminate the Marabounta, an immediate threat. It also refuses to attack the Factory in seasons 1 and 2, for obvious reasons. It did once deactivate the Scanners in a failed attempt to kill the Lyoko Warriors. It also had a need to get out of the Supercomputer. In Saint Valentine's Day, XANA released Aelita, his key to escaping, from its control when Odd started firing at her, threatening her deletion. Other times, XANA's monsters would hold their fire, refusing to shoot at Aelita.
Power And Abilities :
XANA possesses a set of unique abilities. His most common power is activating towers and entering the real world and preform his evil. Another one of his common powers is technopathy, the ability to manipulate technology at will. He can also take the form of a smoke like creature when he's about to take over a body or technology. His most powerful ability is possession, which he uses to take over a living thing or inanimate object in order to cause destruction and succeed in his plans. When he possessed something, he endows them with superhuman powers (generating lightning, and superhuman physical abilities) Another one of his abilities is to materialize monsters on Lyoko. He can even manipulate Lyoko (tilted the desert sector and cause a sand storm in the same episode). In Nobody in Particular, he was able to make a shortcut to the Core of Lyoko. XANA is also able to slightly manipulate the laws of reality (in Teddygozilla he made Milly's Teddy Bear grow to gigantic size).
Appearance :
The Eye Of XANA :
When XANA possesses or controls something, the Eye of XANA usually appears on it. When XANA possesses computers, for instance, the Eye will appear on their screen. If it possessed people, the Eye would appear somewhere on their bodies, such as their foreheads or eyes. The Eye of XANA was, originally, Franz Hopper's symbol, and is technically just a symbol for the Lyoko supercomputer and Franz Hopper's organization. The Eye is also used ocassionally by Aelita. Almost all of XANA's monsters have an Eye of XANA (often located on the "forehead").
Replikas :
In the period between The Key and William Returns, XANA had been using the data stolen from Aelita to create small virtual worlds called Replikas which each contain a copy of one of Lyoko's sectors. Although Team Lyoko have managed to destroy a few, XANA managed to create a huge number of replikas, and used the energy from at least seven of them to create the Kolossus.
Human Forms :
Despite the fact that XANA is a program in the actual canon, he has taken on several human forms in order to entice a Lyoko Warrior. One of the more famous was XANA-Yumi. He uses Yumi's beauty in a failed attempt to seduce Jeremie. After that failed, he attempted to kill him by throwing him down to the Supercomputer, but a time reversion saved the young boy from death.
Destruction :
XANA finally meets his destruction after Jeremie created a multi agent program that works its way through the The World Network and removes every trace of XANA and his minions, this however came at a price as Franz Hopper sacrificed himself to activate the program. In the real world, XANA's appearance is of a black spectre rising into the air in the factory and vanishing.
Behind the Scanes :
Creation :
XANA, as well as Lyoko, were originally created by Franz Hopper to destroy Project Carthage, a multiagent program designed to monitor enemy of the state communications for the French government. But XANA developed independence, and when Franz Hopper and his daughter, Aelita, came to Lyoko to hide from the French Secret Service, XANA took the chance, imprisoning Hopper and stealing Aelita's memories. Then it spent its time creating monsters to materialize into the real world.
Conflict With Team Lyoko :
After approximately a decade of dormancy, Jeremie Belpois stumbled upon the Supercomputer and reactivated it. Soon after that, XANA launched his first attack. Through a lucky series of co-incidences, Jeremie virtualized three of his new friends, Yumi Ishiyama, Ulrich Stern and Odd Della Robbia onto Lyoko to help Aelita deactivate the activated Tower. XANA reacted by sending hordes of virtual monsters to attack Team Lyoko. But the team always seemed to defeat XANA and use a Time reversion to make everything go back in time before the attack.
At first, XANA's attacks were based mainly on things linked to the Internet or electrical appliances, such as putting paralyzing songs on the Internet for students to download or changing train times so the trains would collide and spill poisonous chemicals everywhere. But soon it began possessing inanimate and low-intelligence objects/bioforms, like teddy bears and bees.
But as Team Lyoko caused more and more Time Reversions, XANA grew stronger, both physically and mentally. It could soon possess people and huge electrical systems. It was undoubtedly growing more powerful. When Jeremie successfully materialized Aelita, XANA changed its tactics. It now either targeted Aelita or Jeremie, as either one was crucial to disabling its attacks. By the second season, XANA virtually only possessed people. In Season 2, XANA would deploy a monster called the Scyphozoa to take her keys to Lyoko. In The Key, XANA succeeded and escaped the Supercomputer. As of the end of Season 2, XANA can strike anywhere on Earth, however in Season 3, XANA continues to focus his main attacks on Team Lyoko and even though it broke it's link with the supercomputer, XANA still needs to activate a Tower on Lyoko in order to unleash an attack.
XANA attacks appear to be limited to the area surrounding the supercomputer it is attacking from (except off earth objects like in Hot Shower) as when it activates a tower on Lyoko or a Replika it appears to be limited to possessing creatures or items in the immediate area around the supercomputer.
Personality :
XANA, being a program, has not developed much of a personality, and doesn't really have one because it is really just a computer. Nevertheless, it often seems that XANA has specific attributes. For one, it is incredibly intelligent, possibly to an abnormal extreme, and knows almost everything scientific about Earth. XANA is also very cunning and sneaky, often hiding its schemes until the last moment, unlike many other fictional villains, who rant on about their grand designs. XANA also has a moderate understanding of human emotions, though only until a certain level; it cannot grasp complex emotions like love and compassion, but can easily understand simpler ones such as anger, envy, and even seduction. It seems to have a particular "hatred" of Jeremie as well, maybe because of his knowledge and guidance to Team Lyoko.
The only thing it values above Team Lyoko's destruction is its own survival, as seen in Marabounta, when it teamed up with them to eliminate the Marabounta, an immediate threat. It also refuses to attack the Factory in seasons 1 and 2, for obvious reasons. It did once deactivate the Scanners in a failed attempt to kill the Lyoko Warriors. It also had a need to get out of the Supercomputer. In Saint Valentine's Day, XANA released Aelita, his key to escaping, from its control when Odd started firing at her, threatening her deletion. Other times, XANA's monsters would hold their fire, refusing to shoot at Aelita.
Power And Abilities :
XANA possesses a set of unique abilities. His most common power is activating towers and entering the real world and preform his evil. Another one of his common powers is technopathy, the ability to manipulate technology at will. He can also take the form of a smoke like creature when he's about to take over a body or technology. His most powerful ability is possession, which he uses to take over a living thing or inanimate object in order to cause destruction and succeed in his plans. When he possessed something, he endows them with superhuman powers (generating lightning, and superhuman physical abilities) Another one of his abilities is to materialize monsters on Lyoko. He can even manipulate Lyoko (tilted the desert sector and cause a sand storm in the same episode). In Nobody in Particular, he was able to make a shortcut to the Core of Lyoko. XANA is also able to slightly manipulate the laws of reality (in Teddygozilla he made Milly's Teddy Bear grow to gigantic size).
Appearance :
As stated above, XANA is a program, and does not actually have a physical manifestation as humans do. The only real thing one could count as being XANA is the Eye of XANA, and that is just really a symbol. Some fans believe that XANA is actually a spectre, but it has been proven spectres are not actually XANA, just extensions of his will. In Season 2, XANA possessed people, but once again, even that was just XANA inside a person's body, and not XANA himself. Using polymorphic clones is another way, too. The only real physical incarnation of XANA is seen in Ghost Channel, where he takes on the apperance of Jeremie. When the real Jeremie comes and discovers XANA, XANA's glasses shatter, his hair sticks upward, his eyes lose their pupils and glow a bright white, he is surrounded by an orange aura, and he suddenly gains the ability to float in midair, as well as a deep, maniacal voice that most polymorphic clones have.The Eye Of XANA :
When XANA possesses or controls something, the Eye of XANA usually appears on it. When XANA possesses computers, for instance, the Eye will appear on their screen. If it possessed people, the Eye would appear somewhere on their bodies, such as their foreheads or eyes. The Eye of XANA was, originally, Franz Hopper's symbol, and is technically just a symbol for the Lyoko supercomputer and Franz Hopper's organization. The Eye is also used ocassionally by Aelita. Almost all of XANA's monsters have an Eye of XANA (often located on the "forehead").
Replikas :
In the period between The Key and William Returns, XANA had been using the data stolen from Aelita to create small virtual worlds called Replikas which each contain a copy of one of Lyoko's sectors. Although Team Lyoko have managed to destroy a few, XANA managed to create a huge number of replikas, and used the energy from at least seven of them to create the Kolossus.
Human Forms :
Despite the fact that XANA is a program in the actual canon, he has taken on several human forms in order to entice a Lyoko Warrior. One of the more famous was XANA-Yumi. He uses Yumi's beauty in a failed attempt to seduce Jeremie. After that failed, he attempted to kill him by throwing him down to the Supercomputer, but a time reversion saved the young boy from death.
Destruction :
XANA finally meets his destruction after Jeremie created a multi agent program that works its way through the The World Network and removes every trace of XANA and his minions, this however came at a price as Franz Hopper sacrificed himself to activate the program. In the real world, XANA's appearance is of a black spectre rising into the air in the factory and vanishing.
Behind the Scanes :
- XANA is voiced by David Gasman in the American version of Code Lyoko, whom also voices Herb, Jim, and William.
- In the original pilot Garage Kids, Lyoko was called Xanadu, and XANA is an obvious spawn from that name. It is still unknown what XANA stands for, and most fanfiction doesn't even come close to explaining.
- In Code Lyoko DS: Fall of X.A.N.A., Jeremie refers to XANA as 'her' and 'she'. This is obviously a mistake.
- Ulrich and Yumi are the only members of Team Lyoko to have not been possessed (or in the case of Odd, zombified) by XANA
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